First Nations Garden (Wiinso, Wiikonge Otishinikaaso) was established in the Spring of 2019 due to community organizing led by Chi-Nations Youth Council with support from Alderman Carlos Rosa of the 35th Ward. Currently, Chi-Nations is working closely with NeighborSpace to ensure a more sustainable future for the garden. The garden includes independent raised bed plots, hinged hoop house raised beds, circular raised beds, planting mounds and an adopt-a-plot program.
"First Nations Garden was chosen as the english name of the space. The term First Nations is a collective noun that emphasizes the importance of direct and ancestral relationships to the land, both human and non-human. As First Nations peoples, we’ve chosen names that carry the history and ancestral ecological knowledge of the garden site and assist in helping provide navigational information and teachings to the greater public. " -Chi Nations Youth Council